The environments in general were actually quite larger than I had expected them to be. I thought it would be a neat addition if, like WaveRace, little ripples would hit the screen from time to time, but then, what person in reality gets rain in their eyes that causes ripples, well, aside from those with extra sets of transparent eyelids?

Upon seeing the effect I was reminded of the splash back found in the Gamecube's WaveRace.

Rain doesn't, however, seem to effect your gun or sight. Drops that fall from the sky are directed by wind and will change in trajectory when appropriate, impacting only the areas that they logically be hit (shaded and protected areas won't feature the splash effect). It looks like they've actually cleverly animated the ground itself to exhibit the impact effect, rather than having each raindrop create its own splash. Rain falls from the sky in buckets and shatters against the ground leaving hundreds of splashes in its passing. We were also made privy to a plethora of weather effects Raven has seen fit to add in to the engine. A heavy fogging has been used to curtail all of the negativity that would be imposed on systems if the game were to try and render the whole environment at once, but this effect is pulled off without the perpetual barbeque games like Turok give us. Each bush and branch in the dense jungle sways in a gentle breeze. The flora in Colombian jungle level, for instance, is exceptional. Immediately the aesthetic vibrance and luster of the environments catch your eye.

Did we mention it's powered by a heavily Raven modified version of the Quake 3: Team Arena engine? Graphically, the title is looking wonderful. What's all the hubbub about? Soldier of Fortune 2 is a first person shooter with a realistic mentality and an action movie feel. From what we've seen, things seem to be coming along swimmingly. Activision's Mike Larson and Raven's Kenn Hoekstra braved the terribly mild San Franciscan climate today and gave us a healthy sit-down with Soldier of Fortune 2: Double Helix, their upcoming sequel to last year's gory action romper, Soldier of Fortune. With Jedi Knight 2, Quake IV, and a still as of yet undisclosed long-term PS2 game all in the works, you would think famed shooter developer Raven has at last bitten off more than it could chew.